Study of development trends of the internet advertising market in Ukraine and tools for attracting clients on it

  • Наталія Євгенівна Кузьо Senior Teacher, Department of Marketing and Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine).
  • Наталія Степанівна Косар Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine).


The aim of the article.The purpose of this article is to study modern trends in the Internet advertising market of Ukraine and directions for attracting new and forming the loyalty of existing clients of advertising agencies.

Analyses results.The constant increase in the number of Internet users, the frequency of its use, and the existence of easy-to-use and management tools for marketing communications in the network determine the growth of the Internet advertising market. The results of the collected and analyzed primary marketing information indicate that among the priorities of Internet use by respondents in Ukraine, search and communication with friends, purchase of goods and services, and entertainment prevail. Respondents use various devices to connect to the Internet but prefer smartphones. The Internet plays a significant role in the life of a modern person – about 25% of respondents spend a significant part of the day there – more than 10 hours daily, from 5 o'clock until 10 o'clock – 43.4% of respondents. Respondents' interests on the Internet are diverse, and they are most interested in information about goods or services, entertainment, and news. The respondents carefully search for information, viewing mainly 3-7 sites. Most respondents have pages or entries on several social networks, but the most popular are Facebook, Instagram, and Viber. Respondents are significantly influenced by advertising in social networks and contextual advertising.

Given that the number of clients determines the success of an advertising agency in the market, for a stable increase in income and profit, it must constantly look for ways to attract clients. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the following methods: offering a free sample of the service, communicating with customers, creating situations for discussion, demonstrating professionalism, organizing social events, placing a virtual assistant on the website (chatbot), advertising in social networks, developing and implementing solutions, focused on society, advertising mailings, the attraction of referrals, stimulation of regular customers, and free training of customer personnel.

Conclusions and directions for further research.In the intense competition, customer loyalty will create additional competitive advantages for advertising agencies due to the reduction of marketing costs, retention of the majority of customers during the deterioration of the macroeconomic situation, reduction of the risk of losing customers associated with errors in the agency's work or with a new offer of competitors. Therefore, an essential task for advertising agencies is forming a loyalty program, considering the influence of factors of its internal and external environment. However, it should be noted that the budget for financing the loyalty program should be compared with the expected profit that the agency will receive from cooperation with the customers to whom these programs will be directed. Prospects for further research are related to the study of the priorities of various tools for forming the loyalty of advertising agency clients through their survey.

Keywords: advertising market, Internet advertising, advertising agency, competitive advantages, methods of customer attraction, customer loyalty.

 DOI: 10.15276/mdt.7.1.2023.6

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How to Cite
КУЗЬО, Наталія Євгенівна; КОСАР, Наталія Степанівна. Study of development trends of the internet advertising market in Ukraine and tools for attracting clients on it. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 82-95, mar. 2023. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.