Marketing digital technologies for organic product consumers’ research

  • Світлана Володимирівна Ковальчук S.V. Kovalchuk, Head of the Department of Marketing, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Khmelnytsky National University (Khmelnytsky, Ukraine)
  • Євгенія Михайлівна Забурмеха Y.M. Zaburmekha, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Ph.D., Associate Professor , Khmelnytsky National University (Khmelnytsky, Ukraine)


The aim of the article is to provide classification of organic products, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of organic production and organic products in the context of the marketing concept. The purpose of the article is to study the socioeconomic aspects of the promotion of organic production and to make recommendations for marketing promotion of organic products to consumer markets.
The results of the analysis. The specificity of consumer behavior on the market of organic products was determined in the article using digital technologies. The research was held using digital questionnaire.
The key problems of the development of the organic products are the low level of awareness of the target consumers, the lack of quality assurance for these foods, the incorrect or unclear presentation of them in outlets. Taking into account these requirements and wishes will facilitate the further development of the regional market of organic products to meet the needs of target consumers in useful, safe and environmentally friendly food products.
Milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, vegetables and fruits, juices, cereals, flour, etc. are in the most demand among organic products. Product sales take place in supermarket chains and in specialized stores selling organic products, as well as on the Internet.
The authors formulated recommendations for the reformatting of consumer behavior in favor of organic products in the context of two target segments proposed in the article: «Innovators» and «Conservatives».
The proposed approaches concern the formation of a stable positive image of organic production and organic products in the society. Authors pay the attention to the activities of the public organization «MAMA 86» in the field of the promotion of organic products both in the Khmelnytsky region and in Ukraine as a whole.
The most significant result of the research made in the article is that the profiles of consumers of organic products have been formed for the first time and the complex approach to promotion of organic products to the consumer market is considered.
Producers of organic food should be engaged in branding in order to create customer loyalty. First and foremost, demand can be stimulated by activating the system of marketing communications: advertising (including packaging of goods) and publicity measures, using the press and the Internet. The organic food producers must work with large retailers to develop sales promotion and to increase the availability of organic products. In order to control the level of prices within the framework of marketing policy it is advisable to establish cooperation with intermediaries, using the incentive and partner factors of their motivation.
Conclusions and direction for further research. It is necessary to determine the effect of such stimulating factors of motivation on the financial performance of organic producers that can be the direction for further research. The results of the analysis should be used as a methodical basis by editorial boards of new journals.
Keywords: organic product, organic production, green marketing, digital marketing
DOI: 10.15276/mdt.1.1.2017.3

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How to Cite
КОВАЛЬЧУК, Світлана Володимирівна; ЗАБУРМЕХА, Євгенія Михайлівна. Marketing digital technologies for organic product consumers’ research. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 34-51, oct. 2017. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.